Thursday, August 28, 2008

My comments on the article "Obama could be the first Technology president"

When i read the title of this article, i didn't think the writers meant it literally. When i first learned history and about the presidents controlling war; the first thing that came in my mind was the president sending messages to the military to do such and such. I had no idea that our current president or the president before him did not know how to use a computer. Thinking if Obama wins the presidential election makes me kind of excited. First, the U.S might be more advanced in ways and second, Obama will be making a ton of history. Being the first, non-full white person to run for president, first technology user and much more. Things i like learning the most are when history are being made, not the history already made. Now, i really hope Obama wins the presidential election.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds like a story with a good hook! I don't know if President Bush is really that incompetent with using technology, but Obama would definitely have qualities no U.S. President has ever had.
I am excited at the possibilities, but how can the other half of America believe in him as President? Seems like McCain has some loyal followers for their own reasons as well.